![GitShipper UX - UX MAP.jpg](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/2a129e04-5aa6-4ed1-b7a1-deaabd4a3952/GitShipper_UX_-_UX_MAP.jpg)
(click to enlarge)
Code Owner's Experience
👋 Create your account
- Signup for an account (Email, Google, GitHub)
- Authenticate GitShipper with GitHub to gain repo read access
- Select the repo you want to connect
- Select the branch you want to use for production builds (
is the default)
- Add additional meta data to the landing page e.g. links, terms etc.
📦 Generate your first code bundle
- Add a
with latest build notes (optional)
- Push a release to GitHub
- Get access to you permanent zip download link
💳 Make a new sale
- Post news customer to
with their licence token (view docs)
- Customer receives an email with the link to download the ZIP or connect to their GitHub repo
⚠️ Customer licence expires